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Chapter Twenty-One: Of Sneaking out and Party's

POV: Rose

*A few days later.*

After three days of being shadowed by an over protective vampire I was ready to throw myself off a bridge. Now it's not that spending time with Klaus was bad, most of the time he could be a lot of fun. (Not that I would ever tell him that.) What was killing me was that I was unable to do anything on my own. Like I had wanted to look around the old church that one of the supernatural meets was in and I hadn't gotten ten feet from his side and he was beside me pulling me back and sitting me at the long oak table.

So you can only imagine how happy I was when Kol told me that I would need to sneak out and go to a party where I would find someone to help me. Now I've never been much of a partier, but if I got to get out of the house and was able to find out more about my powers I was all for it.

Kol had come to my room in the early part of the morning to tell me about it.

"On the other side, there is talk of a strange young witch that is new to our world no one knows where he came from. And yet he seems to know way too much about us."

"So you want me to get help from someone we likely can't trust?"

"I never said to trust him. All you have to do is see what you can find out about what you are and who that women in your dream was."

Now I was standing in my walk in closet trying to find something to wear with a very unhelpful Kol trying to "help". He kept finding the shortest and most see though things I owned. That was a surprisingly large amount.

I finally picked out a black dress that was made of lace with a black slip underneath. It was long sleeved and puffed at the knee with the neckline coming in a sharp V. It was not something I would normally wear but I had a feeling that I needed to look my best. For shoes I picked out red flats with black lace over them and soft black bows.

Now all that was left was to get out and get dressed. I decide I would try the old shower trick as I just needed to get out, I'd deal with whatever came with getting back in later. I made my way to a bathroom with my stuff wrapped in a long old white tee. When I got there I put my dress on before turning on the water and making sure the door was locked.

I went to the window in the bathroom and after opening it I hosted myself up and dangled my legs out. I then looked to my right and saw the vines and tresses that I was going to use to get out. The clime took what felt like forever but once I got down on the ground I was home free.

As I made my way down the street I said "Now where did you say this party was again Kol?"

Said spirit popped up out of nowhere as if he had just been hiding and waiting for me to ask. Knowing him he had.

"It's at an old plantation house that hasn't been lived in years. But lucky for you the house is no longer on a large piece of land; most of it was sold off so it's only the house standing now. Should be about a 10 mintue walk."

When I walked into the house I felt more like I was going to prom then to a house party. All the girls where in nice dresses and the men in suits. It was rather odd and gave me a sense of unease. Kol seem to feel the same way as he told me to beware of those in this house.

As I walked thorough the house I suddenly felt like death was holding me like a spider's web. And it was everything I could do not to run from the feeling as it rapped around me.

"Well if it isn't the little family Rose. Why don't we give her a round of applause?"

A voice that sounded like it was meant to be sweet and welcoming but was truly wicked and smug sounded out from nowhere. And as I spun around to try and find it all I could see was the others of the house clapping and turning to look at me. But what I didn't see, until they were looking at me was that their eyes were dead and vacant. Some of them even showing signs of their body being dead.

"What do you think of my friends? I made them myself, a little magic and of course my very vampire hunger." I could only hear the smirk in his voice and it made me shiver.

"However unlike you I can't put the soul back in the body I can only use them as puppets and that serves me just fine, for now. But they make for a good way to work on your powers do they not?"

And with that the voice was gone and the life less bodies, no they were still people, started to advance on me.

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