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Chapter Seven

So here is the new chapter no one asked for. If you like this and this story do let me know. Also if you have any ideas for new or old villains for me to use in this drop me a line!

It came as no great surprise to me that the first to come for my sweet baby was someone from my brothers past. Elijah no less one that as always Nik played a rather large part in. This threat came in the form of a past love of Elijah, a New Orleans witch by the name of Céleste. A women I had never much liked myself since she had a way of getting my love struck brother to do anything see liked. And it was for that reason that I believe Nik set her up for death.

We however had no idea she had other plans.

The biggest being getting back at Elijah for doing nothing to Nik for all but killing her. Though I don't see why she was so upset, after all it's not like she was dead all the long. She played my brother Niks favorite card, body jumping.

Her unknown form worked well for her since by the time Margaret was 10 her power had grown to a point where we could no longer teach her without the help of a witch. This witch end up being Sabine Laurent a witch of good standing who came from New Orleans. She was one of the few witches that did not seem to want to kill my child. In fact she had said that she had seen a vision of Margaret and how she would do so much good in this world…

But in the end giving her our trust in anyway was a mistake. One that we were lucky in nothing more then the death of Céleste Marie Hélène Dubois. Though it took the finding and reuniting of her body with her spirit to do so.

She was the first but she would not be the last.

"There's a saying in my family. Kill a demon today, face the devil tomorrow. Yet even as you dance on that demon's grave, you can't help but wonder, was that demon alone? Or do you have other, deadlier ones to fight? And though you celebrate having won the battle, have you really prepared for the war? So as we dress ourselves in the armor needed for this new fight, we must first tend to our wounds, starting with the deepest" -Rebekah Mikaelson

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