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Chapter Five

In the years that followed my Margaret got bigger every day.

Her first birthday came much to fast. A party in the park she would never remember but I would.

She said her first word Mama, not long after. That made me so happy, as I laugh at my brothers trying to get her to say some part of there name. They are so good with her, my brothers.

Her first step led her to her first big fall. And with only the smallest cry she had all three of my brothers running to her. It took some time but she did learn to walk. And then run, oh how she loved to run. Giggling, with one of her uncles or myself running after her a smile on our own faces.

When she first lost a tooth she smiled up at me and showed me the tooth she had lost. And asked what she would do with it. When she woke the next morning with a dollar under her pillow she was so happy. Showing off her dollar to all her uncles with a big toothless grin.

The first day of school made her uncles more upset then her. She simply smiled at them and said,

"I'll be back soon! Then we can play games!"

And ran off to make new friends but not with out giving me a big kiss of the cheek. Making me smile.

When she was eight was the first time we found she had magic. A vampire who we had once known had grabbed her when she was playing in the park. Before anyone could do anything however, he lay on the ground in pain, the kind only a witch could give.

That is the day everything changed. The day I found out how hard I would have to fight for my little girl.

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